COVID-19 2022 Summer


This page describes the process that will be used during the summer of 2022 to help with minimizing/mitigating the risks associated with communicable diseases during our robotics summer camps.

Plan Update Process

This mitigation plan is valid as of June13 1, 2022 and can and will be updated/amended as required due to changes in guidance and or allowances from local/county/state/national government agencies.

Minor updates have been made for the 2022 summer (no student wellness survey required, no daily temperature reading required, etc.)

Camp Capacity

To minimize risk, the camp capacity will be reduced from its normal 24 students to a maximum of 12.

Parents, sibling, and other persons will not be allowed into the building for the duration of the camp.

Refund Policy

No refunds will be processed for students not attending while camp is in session.

In cases where local/county/state/national regulations are updated to prohibit camp or would cause for summer camp to not occur at all, a refund will be provided based on the number of whole days that camp is in session. For example, if camp is closed after Monday’s session has started (sometime during Monday’s session but before Tuesday’s session has started), a refund of 80% (4 / 5) of the camp registration fees would be returned. Camps cancelled prior to the start of a the week will result in a 100% refund.

Camp Areas

Student Workspace

Each pair of students will have a designated workspace that includes a 6’ table, robot kit and laptop computer.

Each workspace will be separated from other workspaces in an effort to maintain adequate social distancing while students work.

Students will remain at their workspace at all times except for the following purposes:

    • using the restroom (one student at a time)

    • moving to/from the Break/Snack/Lunch area (maintaining adequate social distancing)

    • moving to the robot practice areas (one student per area at a time)

Student Break/Snack/Lunch Area

Each student will have a designated snack/break/lunch chair at a 6’ table.

Student Arrival/Departure

Upon arrival at the building, parents will bring their child to lobby at the front of the building. Playing At Learning staff will come to the parent/student.

As students arrive for camp, they will sit at their designated break-area table and wait until all students have arrived. Once all students have arrived the entire group will move in an orderly manner to the work area.

Required Pre-Camp Forms

Parents are required to fill out online forms ahead of time with basic camper information, including emergency contact information, and a liability waiver form. Students whose parents have not completed all required forms will not be admitted until all forms are complete.

A link to a Google Form will be emailed to the parents in the week(s) prior to the camp session.

Camp Sanitization Plan


Workspace, Robot Practice Tables, Restrooms and Break Area – will be disinfected using a UVC disinfection unit.


In addition to the daily sanitizations, the computers and mice will be wiped with disinfecting wipes. The robot kit will be sanitized with a UVC sanitizing system. All table and chair surfaces will be wiped with disinfecting cleaner. Bathroom surfaces will also be wiped with disinfecting cleaner weekly as well.

Student Requirements


Each student is responsible for bringing all food/drink items needed for the duration of the camp day. All items must be taken home nightly. Students will NOT have access to a water fountain. All water must be brought daily.


Based on current county and city requirements, all students will be strongly encouraged to wear a mask while attending camp. Students are required to bring their own masks.

Mask recommendations/requirements will be revisited regularly based on county and/or city updated guidance.


Students will be allowed to use the restrooms but only 1 student at a time. All students are required to wash their hands before exiting the restroom. They will additionally need to utilize hand sanitizer before returning to their workspace.

Hand washing Procedure

    • Students should use a fresh paper towel to turn on/off the water

    • Touch-less hand soap dispensers will be in each restroom

    • Students should gently turn on the water, wash hands, dry hands and then use a fresh paper towel to turn off the water and then open the door.

    • Student will throw away the paper towel outside of the bathroom in a provided garbage can.

Student Behavior

To minimize risks, students that are unable to abide by contact rules will be excused from the camp. These rules include:

    • Face masks recommended at all times (other than eating/drinking).

    • Students will not touch the robot equipment or computers of other students

    • Students will maintain physical distancing requirements

Parent Requirements

Parents are required to immediately report to Playing At Learning:

    • any positive COVID-19 testing results for students

    • any close contact between students and anyone with a positive COVID-19 test result

Parents are required to accurately and honestly answer the daily verbal health screening survey.

Parents must limit student participation in camps (or similar group programs) to no more than 1 camp in three week period.

Prior to attending camp, parents must complete the online camper information form.

Instructor Requirements


Based on current county and city recommendations/requirements, all instructors (including any additional helpers) will be required to wear a mask at all times.

This requirement will be revisited regularly based on county and/or city updated guidance.

Other Requirements

As help is needed by a student, the student will raise their hand. An instructor will then put on a fresh pair of disposable gloves, walk over to help student as needed. Before helping any other student or touching anything that any student has touched, the instructor will put on a fresh pair of disposable gloves.


(Note that many of these are out-of-date and based on prior summers' guidances. They represent our "worst case" scenario plans)

Playing At Learning’s Santa Clara County COVID-19 Prepared - COVID-19 Site-Specific Preparation Plan (

California Department of Public Health – COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE: Day Camps


Santa Clara County Public Health – Guidance for Summer Camps,, Summer School Programs and Other Children’s Activities


Santa Clara County Public Health - Mandatory Directive: Program Serving Children of Youth (

Center for Disease Control (CDC) – CDC’s Youth Programs and Camps Readiness and Planning Tool
